
Leslie feist metals
Leslie feist metals

leslie feist metals

We’ll close this lesson with two songs from 2011’s Metals the album’s arguably lengthy gestation due in part to Feist quitting playing music for two years (to recover from being “emotionally deaf”). The Reminder earned Feist four Grammy nominations a “making of the album” documentary, Look at What the Light Did Now, was released in 2010.

leslie feist metals

Meanwhile, the album’s third single, “I Feel It All,” akin to FIGURE 3, showcased Feist’s groovy strumming side, her acoustic’s strings tuned to an open D chord. To properly cop the staccato quarter notes from “1234,” shorten each note’s duration by releasing fret-hand pressure (coupled with slight pick-hand muting) each time you see a “.” in notation. It is a much folksier jam with plenty of horns and acoustic guitar. The album might not be what you're expecting if you came on board to listening to Feist after hearing her song '1234' on that ipod commercial. Check it out on YouTube below: Pleasure is Feist’s first album since 2011’s Metals. Solid album for Canadian singer/song writer Leslie Feist. It landed today on Zane Lowe’s Beats 1 radio show on Apple Music. It’s called Century and it features Pulp frontman Jarvis Cocker. With Feist’s brand of (some say) “whisper rock” making waves, 2006’s Open Season (remixes and alternate versions of Let It Die cuts) left the public wanting more they got it with The Reminder, Feist’s 2007 masterwork, overrun with smashes like “My Moon My Man” and “1234,” the latter kicked off with an infectious acoustic riff, not unlike FIGURE 2. Feist has shared a second track from her upcoming album, Pleasure.

Leslie feist metals